Meet Our Pastor
Pastor, Author, Life & Basketball Coach
Pastor Shane C. Richardson is a native of Columbia, South Carolina and resides in Lexington, South Carolina. He is married to Sylvia C. Richardson, and they are the parents of four energetic boys: Shane, Josiah, Joshua, and Maximus.
Pastor Shane is the only child of Andrena Richardson, and he is the grandson of Precious Woodard, both of Columbia, South Carolina.
Pastor Richardson is the founder of Heart Epochs Ministries, a transformative, Biblically based, faith, and empowerment ministry, which began as a Bible study and now grown to impact people around the world with the Heart of God. Pastor Richardson uses his spiritual gifts and revelatory insight to share the gospel in a powerful way--- moving people to accept Jesus Christ, increase their faith, and serve. others. Leading with a heart for God and people, he uses his dynamic leadership abilities to mobilize ministries and empower believers in their everyday lives.
Heart Epochs is comprised of multiple outreach ministries. Specifically, he has reached thousands of inmates with the gospel and has empowered them to fulfill their God-given purpose. Also, Heart Epochs designed programs to certify incarcerated women after their completion of the Parenting Skills Program, created financial literacy classes for incarcerated men, and Vision Evangelism Training for reentering society for the incarcerated. Additionally, Pastor Richardson conducts the PowerRun Conference annually to empower leaders, members and friends. Most recently, he launched the Growth Ministry, which is working to build a Fulfilment Center to teach and empower believers in their faith, daily living, and purpose ---- including expanding the Children’s Adventure Ministry and providing members with support for business endeavors.
With his unique approach to ministry, Pastor Richardson has transformed the way in which Heart Epochs connects with people. He and his wife created and developed the series Marriage Is About Shoes, which was inspired by the Holy Spirit. This series is broadcast nationally and around the world. Because of his creative approach to pushing beyond the walls of the physical church and using social media, Marriage is About Shoes has become a “drawing force” for more than 5 million people around the globe to engage with Heart Epochs. Growth in this area is a manifestation of God’s promise for Heart Epochs’ vision to have global impact through the development of Global Fulfillment Centers and the equipping of believers to spread the gospel of Christ.
Pastor Richardson is the author of three books, including a comic book series: He Called You a Faith Genius, Marriage Is About Shoes, & Wells and Warriors,– He provides Christian-based marital counseling and supports other ministries as guest speaker at conferences and church events. Richardson is a strong supporter of the youth and previously served as coach for the Northside Christian Academy youth basketball teams.
A devoted family man, Richardson leads his family with love and faith in Jesus’ Name.